Sumerianz Journal of Scientific Research

Online ISSN: 2617-6955
Print ISSN: 2617-765X

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 5 Issue 2 (2022)

Bio- Mathematical Variations in Paralysis Using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Authors : Reena ; K. P. Singh ; Sanjeev Kumar
We have tried to see the impact of trace elements in paralytic patients. A detailed statistical analysis was applied to the data in the present work. It is found that the data available with the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method are higher in paralytic patients in comparison to the normal healthy controls. We have also evaluated the correlations between two elements and regression equations with regression coefficients also. Different pattern was seen in all the trace elements.

Pages: 53-59

Hazard Flood Mapping and Monitoring in Parts of the Niger Delta Region Using Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar

Authors : Eteh Desmond Rowland ; Ebiegberi Oborie
In this study, the RGB band and threshold techniques were used to distinguish between the flooded area and permanent water bodies with the use of Sentinel 1 images to map and monitor flood hazards in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. The acquired images were before the flood events in January 2019 and during the events in October and November 2019 with the aid of Snap 7.0 and ArcGIS software. The preprocessing of Sentinel-1 images and the mapping procedure have been described in detail, and the results have been evaluated. The results show that the Sentinel 1 sensor can rapidly provide quality data in mapping floods. The applied techniques, RGB and Threshold, show a clear disparity between permanent water bodies and floods by applying contact stretch to histograms. Zones with low backscatter signify flooded areas in red, with high radar response signifying land in the archive indicating surfaces. Areas with black indicate permanent waterbodies, while areas with white indicate built up areas. The estimated significant difference in mean water surface for January and October 2019 is -0.23 dB, while for January and November 2019 it is-0.36 decibels (dB). The difference between October and November 2019 is -0.12 decibels (dB) for the estimated mean water surface in the study area. Therefore, emphasizing remote sensing and GIS as essential tools for flood mapping, risk analysis, and better flood management is therefore essential.

Pages: 44-52

Extratropical Cyclone in the Falklands Islands and the Spiral Galaxies

Authors : Ricardo Gobato ; Abhijit Mitra ; Alireza Heidari ; Marcia Regina Risso Gobato
A subtropical cyclone is a weather system that has some characteristics of a tropical cyclone and some characteristics of an extratropical cyclone. They can form between the equator and the 50th parallel. In mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a point, moving farther away as it revolves around the point. The characteristic shape of hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons is a spiral. There are several types of turns, and determining the characteristic equation of which spiral the Extratropical Cyclone (EC) fits into is the goal of the work. The study demonstrates a double spiral for the extratropical cyclone, similarly [1] demonstrates a double spiral, to demonstrate the structure of spiral galaxies. Despite the data obtained in the EC that passed through the southern tip of South America west and east of the Falklands Islands, everything indicates that the short occurrence ECs indicate the double spiral structure, but with the structure of a Cote’s double spiral.

Pages: 32-43