Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare

Online ISSN: 2663-421X
Print ISSN: 2706-8404

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 2 Issue 3 (2019)

The Role of TNF? in Diverse Pathological Processes – Literature Review

Authors : Luciano Barreto Silva ; Alexandrino Pereira dos Santos Neto ; Iliana Quidute ; Carolina dos Santos Guimarães ; Sandra Sayão
Background: TNFα is a member of the vast cytokine family being considered a proinflammatory substance produced many by macrophages and other cells belonging to the innate immunity, many of them classified as indeed Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) involved in the complex chemotactic process of activation of the adaptive immunity. Objective: The aim of this work was to accomplish a literature review concerning the main pathologies that have TNFα as a modulating agent in other to bring light to the main interactions present in the inflammation installed. Methodology of Research: the review was made using the following electronic databases: PUBMED Central, BVS/BIREME, Web of Science, Science Direct, Higher Level Personnel Improvement Coordinator (CAPES) Periodic Portal , The Cochrane Library and PROSPERO. Results: The articles collected showed the role of TNFα in many pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, psoriasis, myocardial infarction, arboviruses, arthritis, Inflammatory bowel diseases, irreversible pulpitis, periodontitis Conclusions: This review concludes that TNFα plays a very significant role in inflammation processes in mammalian organisms. It modulates the course of many pathologies, intensifying or changing the kind of immunological response, depending on the pathology in question. TNFα is a member of the vast cytokine family being considered a proinflammatory substance produced many by macrophages and other cells belonging to the innate immunity, many of them classified as indeed Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) involved in the complex chemotactic process of activation of the adaptive immunity. The aim of this work was to accomplish a literature review concerning the main pathologies that have TNFα as a modulating agent in other to bring light to the main interactions present in the inflammation installed.

Pages: 36-41