About Us
Company Overview
Sumerianz Publication is a publisher of peer reviewed international journals. Our aim is to promote high quality genuine research from the whole world. The fields of research include science, engineering, management, technology, social sciences, economics, Bio, Medical, Chemistry, Math, Agriculture, language and literature. Sumerianz publishes articles only when they are peer reviewed and edited (if needed) by the renowned reviewers comprising researchers, scholars and publishers. Adaptation and copying of the published material is permitted by the Sumerianz provided that the original work and sources are cited properly.
Open Access
Sumerianz follow open access policy providing its users with full text of articles free of cost. All the Sumerianz published articles are easy to track. We also provide instant visibility of the published manuscripts after they are accepted by the reviewers. Like any other scholarly article, all the manuscripts undergo the same peer-review and quality control process positively. The research scholars can read, copy, download, print, search and distribute the full text of the articles without any prior permission from the publishers and the authors. The normal costs of publication are usually met by the author’s institution or research funds. Sumerianz Open access journals are not different from traditional subscription-based journals.
Open Access License
We follow Creative Commons licenses to ensure the complete open access availability of the published work.
You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material even for commercial uses. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Sumerianz Aim & Mission
Sumerianz aims to promote high quality genuine research in the whole world in the fields of science, engineering, management, education, technology, agriculture, health science, social sciences, economics, Biotechnology, language and literature.
Sumerianz Major Aims are as follows:
- To Cover all disciplines.
- To review and publish fast.
- To provide immediate access.
- To provide higher and international visibility.
- To give blind review.
- To provide easy tracking.
- To serve at minimal cost.
- To ensure online submission of manuscripts.
- To ensure high quality research in all disciplines.