Sumerianz Journal of Social Science
Online ISSN: 2616-8693
Print ISSN: 2617-1716
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 2 Issue 6 (2019)
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Use in Libraries: A Plus or Minus to Academic Libraries in Nigeria?
Authors : Ogagaoghene Uzezi Idhalama ; Elizabeth Ijose Ifidon
Abstract:The study surveyed Information and Communications Technology (ICT) use in libraries: a plus or minus to academic libraries in Nigeria? The specific objectives of the article were to analyze the present state of academic libraries in Nigeria, briefly articulate the concept of ICT, level of ICT presence in Nigerian academic libraries, aspects/areas where ICTs are applied in academic libraries, benefits and the minuses concept of ICT and finally, the way forward. The study adopted the literature review method by randomly reviewing related articles on the topic and making a generalization based on available literature. In the end, the study revealed that ICT has positive and negative effects on Nigerian academic libraries, ICTs are introduced for various routines in academic libraries, some librarians in academic libraries engage in activities against the ethics of libraries with regards to ICT, despite questionable ways of using ICT by some librarians, ICT remains a repositioning force in academic libraries in Nigeria amongst others.
Oil Wealth, Democratic Governanace and Development in Nigeria: The Predicaments of a Rentier State
Authors : Oladiran Afolabi ; Dr. Badmus Bidemi G.
Abstract:This paper examines the syndrome of rentier state and the seeming ‘curse’ of oil which is supposed to be a blessing and how it encourages and strengthens bad governance at the detriment of democratic ethos and undermining developmental programmes in Nigerian. Paradoxically, both renewable and non-renewable oil resources that are predominantly found in the Niger Delta areas of the Nigeria, has tremendously contributed to the high rate of poverty in that region, due largely to the ecologically unfriendly exploitation of oil and the politics associated with the exploitation and governance of the oil resource in Nigeria. Thus, oil rents and institutional weakness has continuing to form a vicious cycle in the Nigerian state. The available evidence suggests that the extent of corruption is higher in the country and since the 1990s, the Niger Delta region where Nigeria oil large domicile has become a theatre of violent conflicts; manifesting in the form of kidnapping of oil workers, illegal oil bunkering, vandalization of oil pipeline and high level of militancy involving lots of small arms and light weapons. By implication, the country has not been able to escape from the rentier state syndrome as huge sunk of the oil wealth are derived from rent seeking with grave implications on democratic governance and socio-economic development of the Nigerian state.
The Effect of Responsible Leadership on Key Stakeholders in Schools The case of Beirut-Lebanon
Authors : Atala Issam DBA ; Al Rahim Raneem MBA
Abstract:This research targets responsible and ethical leadership in schools and how it affects teachers, student, parents, and the community. The main problem is that responsible leaders at schools are trying to exhibit ethical and responsible behaviors towards the teachers, students, parents, and the community; however, their behaviors are not effectively communicated to these stakeholders; thus, the leaders are causing an immense negative effect on the multiple stakeholders in the schools. In order to scrutinize and evaluate the situation, the researcher conducted a study using quantitative and qualitative approach. The survey was distributed to 1000 teachers and 1000 parents; in addition, the interview was conducted with five different schools that are diverse. After the surveys and interviews were analyzed, it was deducted that responsible leadership does have an immense effect on the multiple stakeholders in the schools such as; teachers, students, parents, and the community. Responsible and ethical leaders’ behaviors and decisions must be guided by the different stakeholders’ interest and views. Also, it is not enough for leaders to behave ethically and in a responsible manner; they have to communicate these behaviors effectively to the stakeholders. Furthermore, in order for an organization to succeed, it must understand the importance of including the different stakeholders in their decision-making process, because these stakeholders have the ability to affect the organization as much as it affects them. An action plan was recommended to the leaders in order to better convey their ethical behavior to the stakeholders.