Sumerianz Journal of Social Science
Online ISSN: 2616-8693
Print ISSN: 2617-1716
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 3 Issue 7 (2020)
Impact of Entrepreneurial Involvement and Background on Entrepreneurial Intention of Undergraduates in Selected Universities in Southwest Nigeria
Authors : Fayomi Abimbola Olugbenga
Abstract:In recent times, due to limited job employment opportunities, low income, economic downturn of some developing economies amongst others, the desire to own a business or become self-employed has increased tremendously. Entrepreneurship focuses on the generation of an idea into a profitable venture. But the Intentions of such individuals are backed up with some notable orientations such as entrepreneurship education awareness, family background, environment, educational background and so on. This study examines the implication of entrepreneurship orientation on entrepreneurial involvement and background on one hand and how family background influence entrepreneurial intention on the other hand. The survey research design was adopted for the study under investigation. Students of some selected tertiary institutions in Oyo State (Lead City University and First Technical University, Ibadan) were randomly selected to form the population of this study. A randomized sampling method was adopted in choosing the population size for the study. 90 students were randomly selected from the First Technical University, Ibadan and 90 students from the Lead City University, Ibadan. Primary method of data collected was adopted for this study through the administration of structured questionnaire. Cronbach Alpha coefficients ranging from 0.781 to 0.892 was used to validate the questionnaire. The study also made use of relevant information from articles, journals and various online resources. Results from the study indicated that entrepreneurial orientation has a positive significant effect on entrepreneurial orientation of undergraduates and that significant relationship exists between family background and entrepreneurial intentions of undergraduate students. The study made recommendations to the university managements, university undergraduate students, young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship educators and trainers, university based business incubators and the society at large.
A Short Review on the Effect of COVID-19 and Its Social Challenges in Bangladesh
Authors : Tahiya Islam
Abstract:The outbreak of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) started in China on December 2019, previously known as 2019-nCoV, and has rapidly spread around 215 countries and territories in the world by June 2020. As of 8 June 2020, 215 countries, territories, and areas all over the world have a total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases of 6,881,352 and death cases of 399,895. The purpose of this short review is to shed a light on the effect of COVID-19 and its social challenges in Bangladesh. The review process involved three distinct stages: literature search, data extraction, and discussion. A series of key search terms was used in the review process. Inadequate and insufficient public awareness, difficulty maintaining social distancing, misinformation via social media platforms, various social, religious gatherings and socio-economic situation of most of the population have made it extremely challenging for the Government, authorities and the social sectors in Bangladesh to flatten the curve of COVID-19.
Biografic Turning Point in Lifetime of Individuals Living in Degraded Context: The Role of Resilience
Authors : Prof. Lorenzo Ferrante ; Dott Elisabetta Mura
Abstract:In the course of their lives all people experience events such as the loss of a parent, a child, job or sometimes violence, after which life is no longer the same. In these moments the regular, repetitive and comforting course of life changes because the event is the turning point that changes the direction of the subject's lifetime. The paper is focused on a study of 60 cases in which resilience intervenes in the biographies of individuals, living in conditions of socio-spatial marginality and high social vulnerability, to restore the existential imbalance of a biographical discontinuity represented by a traumatic event. The problem of the research focuses on understanding the role of resilience in facing a turning point and leaving the circuits of social marginality, characterized mainly, but not exclusively, by delinquency, poverty, violence (suffered and played in its biographical path) through the reorganization of the course of one's life. The study was carried out through life stories of individuals living in degraded context on which the turning point had an impact. To analyze life stories, the methodological approach used is the biographical one, according to the "analytical" model scheme of Demazière and Dubar (2000). Like a step-by-step process, resilience is cumulative and progressive of: traumatic event or a succession of them, reflexivity and awareness of a change, identification of ultimate concerns, formulation of a new project. With the categories of active and immovable fatalistic resilients the research shows, on the one hand, the cases in which the context psychologically imprisons the comforting immobility of psycho-social security; and on the other the breakdown of these models, often autopoietic of gender marginality and subordination.