Sumerianz Journal of Social Science
Online ISSN: 2616-8693
Print ISSN: 2617-1716
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 2 Issue 8 (2019)
Investigating EFL Students’ Psychological Anxiety in Reading Performance
Authors : Joko Tri Prastiyo ; Sokip ; Ahmad Tanzeh ; Soim ; Akhyak
Abstract:Reading is one of English skills that emphasizes on how students pronouncing the word well and how they comprehend the text. Although, most of people think that reading is the easiest skill learned than other skills but in fact reading has its own difficulties part as other skills. The parts are comprehension process and the relationship between reader’s ability and interpretation of the text. It will be hard to achieve those parts while students get an anxiety in reading process. Sometime, they are reluctant to read each words, just they will do by soundless. Moreover, they also will start to read if a teacher commands them to read and otherwise. Hence, reading sometime brings learner not confident as psychological problem, due to it needs the ability of good pronunciation and interpretation which not many people can easily do it. By knowing the problem above, this study aims to know what are the factors of anxiety emerged in reading practice and what strategy that can reduce the impact of anxiety. Therefore, to reach the answer researcher uses Library design as a research method. By finding relevant literatures and analyze inductively until deductively, the researcher can accomplish this problem in ELT for reading comprehension as the main point discussion. The finding found that the factors of reading anxiety are unfamiliar vocabulary, unfamiliar topic, personal factor and long text structure, and gender. Meanwhile, the strategies to cope those factor are; increasing teacher performance and competence, using teaching method, using local culture as theme or material topic. After all, it can be concluded that anxiety actually can emerge in reading skill and it is proved by some factors appearance. In addition, for English teacher should be more realize the need of students before determining the class activity especially reading practice.
Why Social Media, Price Perception and Trust to Customer Satisfaction Mediated by Purchase Decision on Online Travel Agencies
Authors : Lily Suhaily ; Syarief Darmoyo ; Sinta Boentoro
Abstract:Internet development makes consumers easy to get information through social media and the emergence of social media for the first time and spread to various countries in the world influence consumer behavior in making purchases. Also social media websites can change people’s lifestyles and make consumers spend a lot of time searching for information. To get data, the questionnaire was distributed to visitors at Plaza Semanggi, Jakarta as many as 300 respondents and the data be analyzed with Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with the help of Smart PLS 3 SEM device. The results of the study show there are the influence of social media, brand trust, and price perception to purchase decision. Also there are the influence of social media, brand trust, and price perception to customer satisfaction. Hence, purchase decision partially mediates the relation between price and customer satisfaction, but it does not mediates the relation social media and customer satisfaction as well as the relation trust and customer satisfaction.
The Financial Crisis Effect on Culture Employment the Case of Greece
Authors : Dr. Dapontas Dimitrios
Abstract:The present work is related to the recent economic crisis effect in Eurozone and especially its weak link Greece to employment in one of country’s heavy industries, culture. Greece has a long history on both and civilization. Using a set of six variables (GDP public expenditure on culture, the existence of crisis in the country or one of its counterparts, the change of consumer price index on sector, the human development index and the Heritage economic freedom index, respectively) we explain the level of employment on culture sector response for a fourteen year period (1995-2018) using the Robust least Squares model having major advantages compared to the traditional most used least squares methods against large residuals and high leverages. The results show that there is a strong negative relationship between culture employment and domestic crisis and a positive dependence on HDI and economic freedom.
The Perception on Indie Films of Selected Intramuros Based Audiences
Authors : Gil Gerald N. Fuentes ; Dwight Roussel Glenn M. Labilles ; Dr. Rowena Capulong Reyes
Abstract:Stuart Hall’s Reception Study Theory explains that the reader / viewer interpret the meaning of the text based on their individual cultural background and life experiences. In essence, the meaning of a text is not inherent within the text itself, but is created within the relationship between the text and the reader/ viewer. The purpose of the current research is to find out the perceptions of Intramuros based Audiences on Indie films. A total of 152 Communication students were selected through a non-probability, Purposive sampling. A two part survey questionnaire was used to measure the knowledge, attitude and practices of Communication students towards independent films. Pearson Correlation and comparison of means, cross-tabulations, and frequency tables were used. Frequency distributions were used to compute their response. Readiness of the respondents to embrace this new industry has been shown in this research study.
Influence of Digital Advertising Messages on Purchase Behaviour of Product Consumers in Benin-City Edo State Nigeria
Authors : Dr. Ayo Elebute ; Dr. Daniel Ewomazino Akpor
Abstract:This study examines the purchase behaviour of product consumers in Benin-City Edo State in Nigeria to digital advertising messages in order to determine the level of influence it can have on them. It highlights how digital advertising messages can arouse the interest of the prospects. Data were obtained through two major sources: primary and secondary. The primary data were collected through survey research method while the secondary data were gathered through existing information in books, journals, magazines, newspapers, catalogues and the Internet. The data were subjected to scrutiny in order to ascertain their veracity and validity. The results show that the influence of digital advertising messages is not significant to purchase behaviour of the respondents. The conclusion is that the stakeholders in the advertising industry should provide viable information to the mass society on how to react to digital advertising messages in order to impact positively on prospects during their day-to-day market genre. It is recommended that future research in this area of human endeavour should seek to investigate how stakeholders in advertising industry should perceive and address consumers’ trends.