Sumerianz Journal of Social Science
Online ISSN: 2616-8693
Print ISSN: 2617-1716
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 2 Issue 11 (2019)
Effectiveness of Public-Private Partnership Initiatives on Transportation Management in Nigeria: Empirical from Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (Lamata)
Authors : Wasiu Abiodun Makinde
Abstract:Public-Private Partnership is a model of New Public Management advocating for private sector involvement in the core function of government, especially social service delivery. The study examined the effectiveness of Public-Private Partnership on the transportation management in Nigeria using Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) as area of study. It reviews the concept of Public Private Partnership, relevant empirical and adopted transaction cost theory. The study adopted descriptive research design with administration of 77 questionnaires to randomly selected respondents that represents 40% of the total population. Also, interview was conducted for 3 selected heads of unit in LAMATA office, to elicit information on the study. The study discovered that Public Private Partnership has improved procurement of vehicle for public transport, reduce traffic and enhance revenue generation of the government. It concluded among other, that Public Private Partnership has been able to improve transportation service in Lagos state.
Factors Influencing Teachers Attrition in Public Secondary Schools in North Senatorial District of Ondo State, Nigeria
Authors : Ige Akindele Matthew
Abstract:The study investigated the factors influencing teachers attrition in Public Secondary Schools in North Senatorial District of Ondo State, Nigeria. It adopted descriptive-survey design. One question and two hypotheses were raised and formulated respectively, to guide the study. All the 91 Public Secondary Schools in the Senatorial District constituted the main population while the government appointed and full time teachers in the schools were targets. Stratified and simple-random sampling techniques were adopted, to select 12 schools and 120 teachers for the study. A self-developed questionnaire, validated and tested for reliability, was used to collect data, which were analysed using frequency count, mean and Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Hypotheses were tested using chi-square statistic. It was found that school, government, student, and health related factors influenced attrition of teachers while no significant difference was found in the perception of male and female teachers, less experienced and highly experienced teachers, on factors influencing teachers attrition in schools. Based on the findings, the need for government to improve access of teachers to health care, to enhance their welfare and performance, among others, are recommended.
Critical Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Mobile Telecommunications Network (MTN) in Lagos, Nigeria
Authors : Joseph Albasu ; Jerome Nyameh ; Luna Banga Madanga
Abstract:The study examine corporate social responsibilities of mobile telecommunication network in Lagos state Nigeria. Owing to the fact that in the world of today, organizations and stakeholders are becoming more aware of the needs for and benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility practices. The performance of organizations in the society where they operate and their impact on the environment has become a researchable field of study. Businesses are obliged to meet the increasing demands on ethical, environmental, legal, commercial and public standards as defined by the wider society. In view of this, corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has therefore become an important consideration for managers at all levels of business as well as one of the most vibrant area of study. The study utilized a survey method were questionnaire distributed to obtain data .total of one hundred and ten (110) questionnaires were administered to respondents of the study and 65 were filled and returned. The study adopted, quantitative approach through weighted, simple percentage and standard deviation for data analysis. The findings revealed that to improve on its service the, Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) should embark on an in-depth orientation and educating the workers on the implementation of effective corporate social responsibility. This will equally improve the effectiveness of management of the resources of the organization. Through the findings study also the recommends that MTN Nigeria must have corporate planning part which will seek to address better strategic decision through improved analysis that are more concerned with the future and effective coordination of different functions of the goal planning process of the Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN).
Examination of Professional Hazards in Journalistic Practice in Nigeria Using Tell Magazine
Authors : Agidife-Philip Stella Oghenerobor
Abstract:Every human engagement, professional is faced with a lot of hazards. These hazards to a large extent inhibit the productivity of the practitioners of any career. While some of these challenges are easily surmountable, it will take courage on the part of practitioners to be able to overcome others. It is a corollary from this that the work examines the nature of hazards that the Nigerian journalist is exposed to and proffer solutions on how such challenges can be addressed. Anchored on the authoritarian and social learning theories, the work adopted the survey research method. Findings revealed that the Nigerian journalist is indeed exposed to a number of hazards that have impeded on his or her daily reportorial activity, which include threat, molestation, verbal warning and poor welfare package amongst others. The work recommends that in improving the level of journalism practice in Nigeria i.e. in broadcast and print media, government should put structure in place to handle the hazards facing journalism practice in the country. Also media owners should increase the pay package of journalists employed in their organizations as this will go a long way to boost the morale of the journalists.