Sumerianz Journal of Scientific Research

Online ISSN: 2617-6955
Print ISSN: 2617-765X

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 3 Issue 1 (2020)

A Study of Growth Pattern Sex Ratio and Condition Factor of Swimming Crab (Callinectes amnicola) from Iwofe Fish Landing Site, Rivers State Nigeria

Authors : Davies O. A. ; Abraham O. V. ; Monday D. L.
Samples of Callinectes amnicola were collected from Iwofe fish landing site in New Calabar River for the study of its growth pattern, sex ratio and condition factor. A total of 624 crab specimens were collected once in amonth, for the period of 3 months between May and July 2017 from fishers that obtained catches from the wild. They were identified using standard fish identification keys. Lengths-weights, sex ratios and condition factor were calculated according to standard methods. Data were subjected to Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools (FISAL II and Microsoft Excel for regression analysis. The overall “b” values were 2.0269 (July), 1.7207 (June) and 2.0679 (May) for equation “W=a+b”CL. The “b” values showed negative allometric growth pattern. The “k” values for the combined months ranged between 3.76 and 15.95 (K>0.5), showed that C. amnicola from Iwofe fish landing site is healthy and sustained good environment.

Pages: 1-9