Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature

Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 1 Issue 6 (2018)

The Effects of Demotivational Factors on Kurdish University Students: Educational, Social, and Psychological Cases

Authors : Areen Ahmed Muhammed
It is obvious that motivation is a key role to help learners in any field continues learning process; since the case in language is more sensitive even. In the current paper, the researcher attempts to identify the influence of demotivation on Kurdish university students; later, factors like education, society, and psychology will be the focal point. Moreover, the numeric data of the study demonstrate that Kurdish students are demotivated and the result influenced their language learning both directly and indirectly. Additionally, the data also confirms that teachers, feedbacks, families, and previous background knowledge regarding the language play a central role in decreasing the students’ interest for the language. The research was conducted on 32 university students of Charmo University. The data shows that the demotivational factors for Kurdish, mainly, are regarding their lack of confidence in English, feeling shy, and sense of embarrassment due to lack of self-trust. The reason(s) behind their demotivations may alter from one student to another; however, essentially, it is to do with the curriculum design and society. It is obvious that the students are governed based on compulsory rules of learning and they are taught in a theoretical regulated environment. In addition, the English language is an unwelcome language in the society. For the above-mentioned factors, it is not a miracle that Kurdish students cannot grasp a lot about the language. Finally, the paper provides further suggestions to ease the case and make the language more preferable to be learned.

Pages: 137-146

The Role of Contextualized Testing Technique in Enhancing EFL Intermediate Students Capacity in Acquiring English Vocabulary

Authors : Sabeeha Hamza Dehham
The present study aims to improve the learners’ ability in acquiring vocabulary through using contextualized testing technique the problem of this study is that Iraqi EFL Intermediate School Students face difficulties when they acquire vocabulary. This is due to lack of suitable teaching techniques used by teachers to teach vocabulary. This study tries to find out the effect of using contextualized testing technique on the achievement of intermediate school students in learning vocabulary .The purpose of the present study is to use contextualized  test technique to test vocabulary found in the 2nd intermediate students’ book, hoping to improve their understanding of language vocabulary. Also, it aims to find out whether presenting the items in contextualized testing technique in an achievement vocabulary test affect the performances of students. To achieve the aims of the study, the following hypothesis is put:  "There is a statistically significant difference between the students’ mean scores of performance of the experimental group which is testing vocabulary performance by means of the proposed technique and that of the control group which is testing vocabulary according to traditional method of testing." The researcher followed the experimental design into which she has randomly chosen a sample being selected from the second intermediate  school for girls. The researcher divided the sample into two groups, experimental and control, each of which includes 30 students. The results obtained from the post-test on both groups show that the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-test are (39.24) and (32.85) successively, which means that the experimental group achievement in the CT is better than that of the control group.

Pages: 128-136